Product Description

Enviroseal™ Wall Wrap BL-IT is a high-water hold-out, vapour permeable membrane with a unique functional coating that offers excellent resistance against UV and high temperatures up to 120°C. Developed primarily as a vapour permeable underlay for use under solar panels and behind open joint rain screen facades it offers a combination of durability and high water holdout without compromising vapour permeability. Integrated Tape Included: This product is supplied with integrated tape on both edges for improved speed of application and secure sealing of lap joints.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A tough weather barrier
  • Minimise risk of condensation related mould growth
  • UV Resistant – ideal for open faced cladding applications
  • Provides an appealing black aesthetic behind open faced lightweight clad
  • Suitable for BAL fire regions.

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  1. Order Online: Choose and add building supplies to your order on the our website.
  2. Select Pickup/Payment: Choose in-store pickup or delivery.
  3. Confirm and Collect: Review and confirm your order, then pick up your items or wait for delivery.

Enviroseal™ Wall Wrap BL-IT

  • Bradford Enviroseal BL-IT is ideal for use in residential or commercial open faced lightweight clad construction.

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