Product Description

FIRE WETSTOP™ (formerly Wet Area Firestop®) has been developed specifically for use in wet area fire-rated partition systems. FIRE WETSTOP™ is available in 13mm and 16mm thicknesses with recessed edges and is largely used in commercial construction and for residential construction in the OutRwall® System.

Frequently Asked Questions

FIRE WETSTOP™ (formerly Wet Area Firestop®) has been developed specifically for use in wet area fire-rated partition systems.

FIRE WETSTOP™ is available in 13mm and 16mm thicknesses with recessed edges and is largely used in commercial construction and for residential construction in the OutRwall® System.

You can order online to purchase in store or via invoice

  1. Order Online: Choose and add building supplies to your order on the our website.
  2. Select Pickup/Payment: Choose in-store pickup or delivery.
  3. Confirm and Collect: Review and confirm your order, then pick up your items or wait for delivery.

FIRE WETSTOP™ – Water and Fire Resistant Plasterboard

  • Fire Rated wet areas partitions, commercial constructions
  • Showers & Bathrooms
  • External wall linings protected by exterior cladding

Additional information

Edge Profiles

Recessed Edge

Paper Colour



3600 x 1200

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