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Weather Resistant Barriers: The Different Kinds and How they Affect Performance

In Melbourne, it gets pretty darn cold in the winter and pretty darn hot in the summer. We get the ‘best’ of both worlds really, and to top it all off – our houses are famously pathetic at keeping the temperature consistent.

But thankfully we’ve moved forward and have accepted that Melbourne homes need better insulation systems. Part of this system is the weather resistant barrier, also known as a weather barrier or WRB.

Today, we’ll explain everything you need to know about weather resistant barriers, their different kinds and how they affect performance.

House wraps

The most prominent type of weather resistant barrier in Australia is the house wrap. These WRBs are made from synthetic materials like polyethylene and polypropylene and are known for being lightweight and easy to install. What’s great about house wrap WRBs is that they provide a breathable barrier that allows moisture to escape while preventing liquid water (rain) from penetrating the building envelope.

Performance of house wraps

House wraps are great because they’re breathable, which reduces mould and mildew, they’re lightweight, which makes them easy to install, and they’re durable and resilient when it comes to UV rays and rain exposure.

Self-adhered membranes

Self-adhered membranes are rolls of material which have a layer of sticky glue, applied to the surface of the home or building. These weather-resistant barriers are usually made using rubber composites and feature a protective film that is removed during installation.

Performance of self-adhered membranes

These WRBs have a strong adhesive, creating a tight seal. Their installation requires careful handling, and there are risks of air bubbles forming if not carried out correctly.

Building paper

One of the oldest types of weather barrier, building paper is usually made from fibreglass or organic material. A cost-effective alternative to more modern WRBs, building paper is prone to degradation over time and is less durable the house wraps.

Performance of building paper

While cheaper than house wrap, building paper won’t last as long as it is less UV resistant and moisture resistant.

Which weather resistant barrier to choose

For Melbourne home owners, we always recommend house wraps as the gold standard WRB. These modern weather barriers are durable, easy to install and provide an excellent insulative barrier for Melbourne homes.

Plaster Wholesalers can help you find the right house wrap for your job. James Hardie, a brand with history and reputation in the plastering and construction industry, makes their signature HardieWrap which is a high quality house wrap. Ask the team about securing some today.

Whether you need quality weather resistant barrier, plasterboard or compounds and adhesives, Plaster Wholesalers has got the goods. We’ve been Melbourne’s leading wholesaler in plaster for over 30 years, so you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more experienced bunch than us. Pop in to our Hoppers Crossing and Somerton locations, or give us a call today.


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